Note: Since this article’s first publication a year ago, no electronic or personal inquiry from the author has been answered by several US Senators or Representatives. However, the most recent releases of information from DoD and State Department have made it emphatically clear that a criminal cover-up has taken place within the Presidential Administration. It […]
Article V Convention Hullabaloo

I’m dismayed by the dissension and acrimony the idea of an Article V Convention of the States is causing within the Freedom, Liberty and TEA Party factions. The philosophical and analytical debates I have no problem with. What bothers me is the ad hominem and personal attacks. I find those to be totally unnecessary and […]

In all the hub-bub that is our daily human existence on this planet, a little known crisis is building in an area that may have more importance to mankind’s long term survival than anything else: The growing shortage of Strategic Metals (SM) and Rare Earth Elements (REE). Most people know little about the vital importance […]

Recently, two seemingly opposite and “counter-balanced” decisions by US District Court Judges William Pauley III (New York) and Richard Leon (Washington, D.C.), on National Security Agency collection and archiving of mass private communications, were released The two opposing decisions likely leave most of the public highly confused. Is NSA collection and archiving of domestic […]

Let’s take the basic misinformation that we’ve heard handed out by opponents of the Federal Lands Transfer movement, one at a time: 1. “The federal government spends $billions annually to ‘manage’ our public lands, no western state can afford what it costs the Feds in any state.” The opponents fail to see the fundamental flaw […]

With the May primary less than a month away, Idahoans have a few of the most important decisions they will ever make in picking new statewide constitutional officers and legislators. There are elections and then there are ELECTIONS. This is one of those ELECTIONS. The country as a whole, and within many of the states, has […]
It’s all starting to come apart for the National Security Agency and the Director of National Intelligence (NSA/DNI). The ongoing rounds of disclosure, denial, new revelations, more disclosure and then misdirection by politicians and agencies. Double down on denial, then attack those that point out the un-American nature of their activities. However, the NSA/DNI and […]
The “Gravity” of Our Situation
Watching the Weather Channel, seeing the unfolding catastrophic effects of Super-typhoon Haiyan on the Philippines, I was struck again by the thought I had while watching the movie “Gravity” at the theater recently. The movie, while being a typical Hollywood over-the-top “space-cowboy” portrayal of disaster, in many ways managed to come together at the end with […]
I have long wondered why the simple economics of government spending and the building of an economy are n0t understood by most of the population. But then, I also wonder why some people don’t like fine chocolate, given its wonderful flavor and texture. It seems so obvious. We could blame the existing public school system, […]

It should be obvious by now that the National Security Agency (NSA) and other elements of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) have been operating far beyond the limits of both the Constitution and the inconvenient controls of an ignorant and easily misled Congress. When one listens to committee hearings and news-clips of official statements […]